Evil Dead (2013)


This movie promises a lot. The original creators remake their own cult classic and deliver on ALL THE PROMISES. They deliver that package of horror straight to your soul.


The first time I watched this film my eyes were glued to the screen. I couldn’t look away. My heart actually hurt from the tension and worry for the main character, who I wanted to persevere so badly. The story is set up nicely, allowing you to suspend your disbelief just enough to hold on and enjoy the whole ride.

5 possessed Mia’s out of 5

Curse of Chucky (2013)

MV5BMTUwNTA1OTQ0Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjg4MDA0MDE@._V1_SX640_SY720_It was awesome. Chucky is scary, and funny. but definitely more scary than funny!

Some folks are freaked out by dolls, the fear is called, Pediophobia.’ I know my fiancee, Mr. Chris, cannot handle this one toy thing we have called little, it’s from the monster factory and looks like this:


Charlie has been renamed Lydia and is slightly terrifying, but the cats dig her. Yes, She has her own chair. I’m not sure if they just like her because she’s covered in their hair or what, by Lyd’s and the cats are BFF’s. Originally, I thought Chris’ fear was a joke. But he cannot stand this thing. After some time I realized it was serious and the only reason we keep the doll is in order to keep the peace with the cats.


Anyways, Chuckster the Curse is awesome. Effects are fantastic, soundtrack is perfect, acting is GOOD, the movie takes the story more seriously overall and there are some twists that I had not expected.

Give her a shot!

My Rating: 5 homicidal dolls out of 5

After Earth (2013)


Director: M. Night Shyamalan

Cast: Will Smith and his assorted Children

Good or Bad? Awesome

First, On the director: For some reason, lots of folks decided Mr. Shyamalan wasn’t so hot anymore around 2008, this article sums up the sentiment: http://screenrant.com/m-night-shyamalan-movies-career-sandy-67044/.

One of my favorite lessons in University was when we discussed the ‘baggage’ talent brings onto the set and how it can mess up their ability to tell a story convincingly. Lindsay Lohan is an excellent example of this. When an actor is very popular/makes a spectacle of themselves/becomes harassed by photogs off screen, it draws the focus away from their performances and places it in their public life. As a result, when that actor moves on to new roles, it is difficult for the audience to suspend their disbelief and enjoy the performance on its own. The actor is tightly tied to their off screen persona, whether its true or not.

I think the same has happened to Shyamalan, where critics feel he has become pretty lame, and has been unable to reach his full potential that was promised with The Sixth Sense.

I think this is a bunch of phooey. After Earth tells a good story, is beautifully shot, and makes you love the characters. The special effects aren’t overboard, just the right amount, and the take on the future in the film is believable. The animals are scary.

Also, Will Smith is just awesome, especially in his creaky hard ass dad soldier role. He’s so serious!

My Advice: If you like sci fi and animals, give it a chance.

My Rating: 4 Ursa’s out of 5.